The New Leaked Trump Audio Confirms Everything We Already Knew
By: The Executive Tea staff
We told y’all sh**t was going to start to get real in the last 54 days leading up to November, and we were not lying, chile. We got a lot to get into, so buckle up and get your tea for our political roundup!
Donald T***p keeps facing controversy after controversy. Last week, leaked comments from bombshell Atlantic reporting alleged that Trump referred to Americans who died in the war as “suckers” and “losers”. The comments, other than being straight up-sad for a U.S. President to say, are also just extremely ironic, considering Trump’s supposed love for the flag and this country (this is the same man who said Colin Kaepernick’s protest was disrespectful to veterans). It’s hard to keep up with the hypocrisy and lies coming out of this White House, but alas.
The Trump campaign is having another shitty week, thanks to their candidate seemingly taking on self-sabotage by taking on a series of phone calls and interviews with veteran Washington Post reporter, Bob Woodward. The interviews, which took place as a part of research for Woodward’s upcoming book “Rage”, took place without the knowledge of many of White House staffers, who reportedly felt blind-sided by how fuckin’ stupid their guy is. Woodward is a renowned Watergate reporter, so it’s pretty clear this is the last person Trump should have been talking to.
Trump had phone conversations with Woodward a total of 18 times since February. The recorded conversations give us a look into Trump’s thoughts on coronavirus, race, and more — and the substance of the conversations is exactly what you would expect.
In conversations with Woodward about coronavirus back on February 7, about a month before coronavirus seriously changed life for millions of Americans, Trump told Woodward: “This is deadly stuff.”
Around that same time, Trump was in public calling coronavirus a “hoax”, stating several times the virus would just disappear, telling people to drink Bleach as a cure, refusing to ramp up testing, hosting large rallies against the advice of experts - whew chile, the list goes on. Trump knew all along how serious coronavirus was, but he stuck to a clear strategy to play the virus down and spread lies instead.
“I wanted to always play it down ... I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.”
Trump could have saved lives. We know the bar is past the floor at this point, but if this man did as little as even as setting an example by wearing a mask, we wouldn’t be we are now. Instead of listening to experts, he chose to set out a campaign to share lies and instill a false reality in countless people who continue to not take coronavirus seriously. Nothing about this audio is surprising because Trump as we all know him to be already: a liar. And make no mistake, his staffers continue to be complicit and desperately try to defend the lies.
In this case, his lies had real consequences that just can’t be forgotten: 190,000 lives to be exact. Studies have already shown us that earlier coronavirus restrictions and guidance could have saved at least 36,000 lives. I know that living in this Trump world can be disheartening: every day, the man shows his ass and nothing happens. We can’t help but wonder if this audio might be a shifting point for what choice the people in this country will make on November 3rd.
Buckle up and invest in some self-care because shit is getting really real, and this country is an absolute mess.