The NRA's Latest Ad is Total BS and a Scary Call to Violence
photo via Youtube
By: Jael Jones
As we push forward for peace, justice, and equality there will always be those that push back by muddying the waters in which we used to swim. There will always be those that don’t care for our lives to matter and will use manipulative tactics to push their own agenda. Before, we questioned the motives of the NRA’s silence with the murder of legal gun owning American Philando Castille and now we have our answer as clear as day. The NRA made it clear the organization did not care about his wrongful death and the blatant violation of his second amendment rights because the NRA only sees what benefits the NRA. They don’t fight for the freedom and rights of people that they don’t believe should have them. They view the world as black and white and use fear based marketing to further separate OUR country.
If you have not seen the recent ad pushed forward by the National Rifle Association of America I urge you to do so. It is an outrage, it is shameful and it further exemplifies the state that our country and our fight lies in. It is a call for violence. Some even say it as an open call for a civil war. Dana Loesch, the speaker in the ad, states that “law abiding citizens” need to “fight…with a clenched fist” urging these “law abiding citizens” to take laws into their own hands and fight against “they”. Who is they? It is never stated directly in the video but anyone with common sense can figure out who “they” are.
“They teach their children that the president is another Hitler”
“They use their ex-president to endorse the resistance.”
This is blatant dog whistle politics. Not only is the NRA disrespecting a previous president of the United States, they are also suggesting to use violence a strategic diction to push their fear rhetoric. In the ad, she mentions every form of “they” yet show videos of the violence of political extremist and rioters. “They” is a wide spectrum. The resistance is” they”. Black Americans are “they”. LGBT Americans are “they”. People of color (POC) are “they”. Peaceful protesters are “they”. BLM is” they”. I am “they”.
They is anyone who wishes to challenge the world they live in. Fighting for equality and justice is not fighting against the 2nd amendment, so why target protest? Why pick and choose these moments to push their agenda? Fear is a dangerous thing. Fear is blinding. Fear is how unarmed teens get killed in the streets. Fear is how a routine traffic stop turns into a murder. Fear is how a twelve-year-old with a toy loses his life. Fear is how wearing a hoodie is a death sentence. You cannot fight with fear. It is obvious this ad is meant to incite violence, but we should not let it. It is meant to spark conversation and outrage. It is meant to create a further divide within our country. As much of an outrage as it is, we cannot fall into their rhetoric.