Kanye West Meets With Trump In Wild Oval Office Meeting
By: Kayla Pasacreta
Kanye West, one of Trump’s most loyal supporters, met with him Thursday in the Oval Office. West was invited to discuss prison reform with former NFL player Jim Brown, Jared Kushner, and Kid Rock. West started the meeting with taking a slight dig at Barack Obama while praising Trump for his diplomacy with North Korea, “In day one you solved one of [Obama's] biggest troubles. We solved one of the biggest problems."
The meeting was basically a love fest - full of both Trump and Yeezy expressing their love and inspiration they both draw from each other.
During their conversation, Kanye attempted to explain his original comments to abolish the 13th amendment:
West also opened up about his bipolar disorder, telling Trump that he scored in the 98th percentile for his IQ test but that he is sleep deprived. “We can empower the pharmaceuticals,” West assured Trump.
Kanye even took to criticizing liberals, “Liberals try to control black people through emotion and screaming racism,” West explained.
Trump and West also spoke about an alternative to stop-and-frisk, a procedure that essentially uses racial profiling in seasoning with drivers. Trump stated his openness,“I’m totally open. If we can do it a different way, Kanye, I'm totally open but they all -- we all agree that we have to do something.” West also asked for clemency for Larry Hoover, who is currently serving a life sentence for running a $100-million-a-year drug cartel from jail. Hoover turned his life around in prison by becoming an organizer for education reform and making sure poor neighborhoods have access to health clinics. Kanye also expressed his goal to alleviate gun violence in Chicago.
“He’s been a terrific guy,” Trump told reporters after the meeting ended.