

Donald Trump Was Behind Son's Misleading Statement RE: Russian Meeting

Donald Trump Was Behind Son's Misleading Statement RE: Russian Meeting

By: Kayla Pasacreta

A  new report from the Washington Post revealed Donald Trump was directly behind Donald Trump Jr.'s initial statement regarding his meeting with Russian officials. According to the Washington Post, "Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to multiple people with knowledge of the deliberations."

When the story leaked that Trump Jr. met with Russian intel, a team wanted to come forward with the complete truth, but Trump insisted otherwise.The statement Trump was behind releasing stated that the meeting was primarily about Russian adoptions, not opposition research on then-candidate Hillary Clinton. The Washington Post says Trump "personally dictated the statement."  The White House confirmed that the president "weighed in" on the statement. 

The statement came back to hurt Donald Trump Jr., when the New York Times confirmed the meeting was for Russian officials to give "highly sensitive information" about Hillary Clinton. The President having a role in a largely misleading statement is quite worrisome for many.

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