Wonder Woman, aka Kick ass Feminist Representation
By: Kayla Pasacreta
Wonder Woman, photo via DCUnitedUniverse
Wonder Woman, also known as Queen of the Amazonian people, Diana Prince, and Daughter of Hippolyta in the comic world, first appeared in DC Comics in 1941. She also is one of the very few women featured in super hero movies – The Dark Knight, The Avengers, Spider Man, Captain America, Deadpool, Batman, and Man of Steel all feature men as the main superhero. In X-Men, there are a few women with superpowers, but none who ever have a main role. This is what makes Wonder Woman so special – she takes the stage and saves the day, mainly by herself.
I have never been very into super-hero movies, but I found myself being in awe of the strength, beauty, resilience, and values that Wonder Woman portrayed. Being raised on an island, Themyscira, solely of strong and diverse women trained to handle any situation or danger that would come their way, Diana knew better than to accept BS from any man. In fact, her mother powerfully told her, “The world of men do not deserve you.”
Wonder Woman is out to restore humanity which is now infiltrated with evil. While in a warzone, there are millions of women and children tortured, alienated, and forced to live in a warzone. Diana insists that she must save them, but is told she can’t help everyone, and the area is hopeless. I couldn’t help but think of the Syrian refugee crisis during this scene. Isn’t this what we’re often told, or think, as we scroll through headlines of displaced refugees? Isn't this essentially the US when we say a big "F you!" to refugees and insist on not allowing them in our country? Diana comes face to face with the neglected, even though she is told saving them is not her problem – but she still makes it her mission to help them.
Throughout the movie, Diana calls out her peers (mainly men) on casting a blind eye to the injustice occurring throughout humanity. Instead of being intimated by their masculinity, Wonder Woman makes it known how she feels about their corruption, selfishness, and disregard for humanity. Wonder Woman even takes a stab at the country’s ugly past, when a Native American chief assisting Wonder Woman is asked who took away his freedom, he regretfully says, “His people” – referring to Wonder Woman’s white love interest, Steve (played by Chris Pine).
The confidence Wonder Woman has is stunning, and quite frankly what makes her beautiful and so special. Sure, some feminists may critique her costume which leaves her half naked (hey, it’s the traditional Wonder Woman suit), or question why she has to fall in love with a male character. But I’m here for Wonder Woman, because the movie offers representation for women, confronts the lack of humanity in the world, and shows that women can do anything – even if it is just a movie. Wonder Woman may not be a perfect feminism film, but Hollywood is certainly taking a step in the right direction with her character.