Meet Roy Moore’s Racist Successor for Chief Justice: Tom Parker
By Alexis Alex
Just when we thought it could not get any worse than Roy Moore, the Republican Party nominates Tom Parker, a carbon copy of Roy Moore and his racist beliefs. Parker is an associate justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, he was elected in 2004 and reelected in 2010. He also served as the top aide to former Chief Justice Roy Moore, the racist pedophile who was removed from his Chief Justice seat in 2016 and ran for a Senate seat last year and lost due to allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Similar to Moore, Parker’s campaign is a hate centered agenda, including opposition to same sex marriage and abortion. Parker’s official campaign website does not currently list his platform, but it includes an archived version of a candidacy announcement from 2006 which states, “I’m running to defend you, the people of Alabama, from liberal activist judges who legislate from the bench their foreign values—such as higher taxes and so-called ‘same-sex marriage.
Parker is not one to hide his racist beliefs and allies. In 2004, Parker was pictured handing out confederate flags at a funeral and attended a birthday party honoring Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who was the first “grand wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan. Also in 2010, Parker ran a campaign ad in 2010 that compared a liberal-leaning judge to Al-Qaeda. “Most people believe that Al-Qaeda is one of America’s biggest security threats,” he said. “I think it’s time to add liberal activist judges like Judge Phillips to that list
Unfortunately, there is a fighting chance that this may be Alabama’s next Supreme Chief Justice. Parker is the official will run against Democratic Nominee Judge Bob Vance in November. Therefore, this is why Midterm elections are important, please encourage anyone you know who lives in Alabama to get and vote to keep this racist out of office!