Opinion: Here's Why No One Should Care That Sarah Huckabee Sanders Is The Butt Of Jokes
By: Kayla Pasacreta
host Michelle Wolf at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, photo via Getty Images
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, photo via Getty Images
The annual White House Correspondent's Dinner is a Washington spectacle. The dinner first started in 1921, and was originally designed to advocate for the interests of journalists. The day that follows the special dinner is typically preceded by the same question: did the comedian go too far? After 2016's White House Correspondent's Dinner, critics accused black comedian Larry Wilmore of going too far after addressing President Barack Obama as "my nigga". This year, folks are heated that host Michelle Wolf made a joke about White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders makeup, “She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe its lies. Its probably lies.” She followed up that joke with another equally-funny jab, describing Sanders as "an Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women” Critics have immediately taken to saying Wolf's joke was inappropriate and went too far by making fun of a woman's looks.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn't the only woman in the Trump White House who Wolf called out. Wolf said Ivanka, is "as helpful to women as an empty box of tampons.” She also had words for White House spokeswoman Kellyane Conway, "If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree?” Wolf called out the complicity of women in the Trump Administration - so what? Their womanhood should not protect them from being called out for their actions in upholding the lies and indecency of the Trump Administration.
My thoughts on Wolf's monologue? Get the f**k over it. Wolf's poke at Sanders' classic eye isn't a jab at her physical appearance, but rather a reference to the very real fact that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is always wearing a smoky eye at the press podium. After all, Wolf said no lies. Sanders basically lies for a living - whether it's through her defense of Trump's lies about voter fraud or any other justification of Trump's many baseless claims.
But, beyond that, Wolf's approach to the Trump Administration and threats to the press was more important than ever. In the Trump era where pretty much anything goes, shouldn't a White House Correspondent's dinner be reflective of the same thing? I mean, aren't we talking about the guy who regularly takes to Twitter to name call any one who doesn't agree with him? Seriously, we are talking about the dude who started the birther theory.
After all, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the same woman who defends the man who says sh**t like this:
Still, many notable journalists are calling BS on the Correspondent's Dinner and criticizing Michelle Wolf for poking fun at Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
Wolf defended herself, assuring that the jokes were about her behavior, not her looks.
Michelle Wolf's roast further proved that Washington is focused on the wrong things. Wolf's monolouge ended in her advocating for clean water in Flint, yet the only major talking point from her monologue was her joke about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a woman who does adamantly defend one of the arguably most-offensive Presidents to date. Washington is reaping with hypocrisy and double standards, which continues to allow Donald Trump to reak havoc, wage attacks on the press, and divert from the real issues. Maybe journalists are being so protective of Sarah Huckabee Sanders because they don't want to risk losing their access to the inside details of the White House. Still, Donald Trump, and any one else in his administration, should not be held to a different standard or pedestal when it comes to accountability for dishonesty and inappropriateness.
If the White House Correspondents Dinner made you uncomfortable or disappointed, good. The dinner should always be reflective of the current state of American politics, and it goes without saying that this country is at a uniquely divisive turning point. Comedians who crack jokes about the very real horrors of the Trump Administration are not the problem - the Trump Administration is. If Wolf's jokes made you uncomfortable, you should think twice about the behavior of the President.