The Executive Tea

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The Government Shuts Down For The Second Time In 3 Weeks

By: Kayla Pasacreta

The government has shut down following Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) holding up a key vote on the 2-year spending bill the Senate agreed on Wednesday. 

Rand Paul on the Hill, photo via NYT

The spending bill, which was largely regarded as a good step in the name of bipartisanship, would up government spending by $400 billion; drastically widening the deficit. Many Conservatives and Democrats alike agree that the bill will create too much excess debt for the country. A Senate vote requires unanimous consent from all Senators, so Rand Paul decided to make a point by delaying the vote,

Paul continued, "I think the country’s worth a debate until 3 in the morning, frankly,” he said.

Many lawmakers expect the shutdown will be resolved before the Friday workday. Still, even if the bill successfully gets through the Senate, its passage in the House is uncertain. It is still unclear if House Democrats - many of whom, like Nancy Pelosi, have refused to vote for the bill unless DACA provisions are added - will vote for the bill.

Update: After Senate conducted the vote to pass the Spending Bill, it narrowly passed in the House with a vote of 240-186. 67 House Republicans voted against the bill. The bill then made it to the White House and was signed by Trump to officially end the government shutdown.