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Getting to Know Angela Rye - What Does She Have in Store for her New Podcast, 'On 1 with A. Rye?'

By: Kayla Pasacreta

photo via Angela Rye's Instagram, @AngelaRye

Angela Rye, CEO of political consulting firm Impact Strategies, CNN political commentator, and crowned woke bae, is hosting a new weekly podcast titled 'On 1 with A. Rye'. The podcast, mainly centered around politics and other hot topics, will air through Apple Music, Tidal, Soundcloud, and Spotify.  The first episode of the podcast airs tomorrow, July 12th, and will feature Congressman Maxine Waters. Rye worked for Waters in the past. Both women are known for calling out Trump on the various mishaps throughout his administration, as well as supporting his impeachment.

Rye became particularly popular during the 2016 election cycle after her on-air-eye roll went viral (and still proves to be very gif-able).

But, aside from the eye roll, Rye is known to come to CNN with receipts, calls bigotry by its name, and constantly holds the Trump Administration accountable for their behavior. One of our fave moments of hers is quoting Beyonce's Lemonade to Trump supporter Corey Lewandoski during a debate about President Trump's birther movement and disrespect toward former President Obama. Lewandowski, ex-Trump campaign manager, referenced affirmative action in an attempt to undermine Obama's accomplishments and asked if anyone has seen Obama's transcripts. Rye shut him down in the best possible fashion: with Beyonce lyrics. Rye clapped back,

Many of women and people of color have seen her as a voice on CNN. Never afraid to speak her mind, Rye's candid and relatable nature make her stand out. The 2016 presidential election, in its crazy, unprecedented, and unpredictable nature, forced people who wouldn't normally be involved in politics to try to keep up. Rye's commentary has been refreshing and entertaining for people who wouldn't ordinarily know or have interest in navigating politics. Representation  is significant - and seeing a black woman on air in the largely male, white dominated sphere of politics offers a breath of fresh air and inspiration for many.

We will definitely be tuning into 'On 1 with A. Rye', and can't wait to see what the podcast has in store.