The Executive Tea

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Trump's Properties are Hanging up Literal Fake News

By: Kayla Pasacreta

The fake magazine cover, photo via The Washington Post

Tuesday, the Washington Post reported that in many of Donald Trump’s golf courses, there is a fake, framed, Time cover of Trump. The top of the cover reads, “TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS…EVEN TV!” The cover goes on to boast about the success of his old television show, the Apprentice.  This fake cover is hanging on the walls of at least five Trump properities. Trump’s spokesperson confirmed that the cover is indeed in fake. The internet had fun with poking fun at this fake news cover – in fact, many tweeted parody magazine covers in response. Karen Tumulty, Washington Post correspondent, poked fun of the controversy. She posted the tweet below, with the caption, "Cut @realDonaldTrump some slack. Weren't we all person of the year in 2006?"

photo via Twitter

This fake cover is extremely interesting, considering Trump often publicly expresses his dismay over “fake news”. According to Huffington Post, this isn’t Trump’s first run-in with actual fake news. In May, “K.T. McFarland, Trump’s deputy national security adviser, gave the president two printouts of Time magazine covers. One was about a future ice age from the 1970s…The Time story from the 1970s was actually an internet hoax.” It is hard to not find it ironic that despite Trump’s crusade against fake news, his staff doesn’t take the effort to make sure they are displaying real magazine covers.

photo via Twitter

Instead of addressing the magazine debacle on Twitter, Trump shifted attention to his dislike of the Washington Post. He tweeted, in all caps, that The Washington Post is fake news. Though this type of Tweet is classic Donald, the timing is painfully flawed. How can Trump continue tweeting about fake news when several of his properties literally display fake magazine covers? Still, Trump is a master at diverting attention from scandals about himself and his administration.