Donna Brazile Bashes Hillary Clinton For 'Unethical Finance' and Takeover Of Democratic Party
By: Kayla Pasacreta
If you needed any more evidence that 2017 is officially crazy af, Donna Brazile's write-up for Politico should prove it. Donna Brazile, who took over as DNC chairman following controversies surrounding former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, took on the role of interim chair shortly before the Democratic National Convention.
Brazile campaigning for Clinton, photo via Flickr
The description that follows is simply a description of Donna Brazile's unconfirmed account of the events of the 2016 election.
When she officially took office as interim chair of the Democratic Party on July 28, 2016, Brazile certainly had hard work cut out for her. In her article titled 'Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC', Donna goes all the way in. Donna details her first hurdle of learning the party was two million dollars in debt, something she insists she was not aware of before assuming the role of party chair, "I am an officer of the party and they’ve been telling us everything is fine and they were raising money with no problems.” According to the books, the debt was accumulated from Obama's '08 and '12 campaigns.
The answer to the debt? Hillary. Donna explains, "The campaign had the DNC on life support, giving it money every month to meet its basic expenses, while the campaign was using the party as a fund-raising clearing house." Brazile goes on to say the Clinton campaign was vital to handling the DNC's debt, and being the life-savior of the party came with one major implication: keep Bernie Sanders out.
Brazile further details her disappointment of having to call Bernie Sanders to tell him what was going on, "Hello, senator. I’ve completed my review of the DNC and I did find the cancer,” I she continued “But I will not kill the patient.” She went on to offer a solution to Bernie: throw in the towel and urge his supporters to get behind Clinton. Brazile finishes by saying when the phone call ended, she was in tears, not out of guilt but out of anger.
Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention, photo via YouTube
So, why did Donna find the doings 'unethical' but went along with it anyways? Her unethical charges will definitely be challenged by critics, considering she was fired from CNN for giving Clinton debate questions ahead of time. She will also face the unavoidable question of: why come out with this now? Our guess is, Brazile is feeling hella played by the DNC.
Brazile is likely to face backlash from establishment Democrats, praise from Trumpsters, and a source of ammo for Donald Trump to continue claims that Hillary Clinton worked to rig the election. Brazile's revelation is odd; making her end goal extremely unclear and unpredictable.